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VSCode extensions include files

Hey all - I've been playing with the VS Code STOS extension (nice work!) but I've come across a problem with include files...  Not sure if I'm being thick, but will risk exposing myself as a programming fraud by asking here.

I'm trying to include a file found at <projectroot>/includes/initvars.stos with the following line:

#include "./includes/initvars.stos"

but when building, I get this output, which contains an error:

Including ./main.stos...
".\includes\initvars.stos" (The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect)
The terminal process "C:\WINDOWS\System32\cmd.exe /d /c .\stos2asc\stos2asc.bat" terminated with exit code: 1.
I've tried switching to backslashes (I'm on windows) but the error is exactly the same.  I've tried including files in the project root, but I get an error with that path too.  I've tried without the './'.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
Not sure if its worth mentioning, but in the example images for the #include command, the lines are coloured orange, but in my vscode they are coloured blue/green (cyan maybe?)

Hi Simon,

I know we've already sorted this on the STOS Coders Facebook page, but thought I would respond here as well for any additional readers.

It seems something has gone wonky in the Java compiler and it is interpreting the "s as part of the filename. So if these are removed then the compiler kicks back into action. I have this on my fix list for next release.

And on the colouring, this is just down to the theme that you have applied in your VS Code. The STOS extension comes with it's own theme, but doesn't have to be used. Hope that helps.

